Find out which theme function to call to alter each element on page

This is a hack on how to get output of which theme function to call to alter each element on page. So you will need to go to In includes/ in the Drupal 7 theme() function, around line 1161 and change $output from one line to two lines and to have this code below. You will get theme suggestions all around the page, which will be messy but will help you find what you need.

Add a field to entity programmatically

Wanting to add field to some entity (we here pick order entity) by code, for example when deploying to production, use this snippet of code and you will have this new field added.

Clear cache of particular entity

For debugging purposes I need to clear cache for particular drupal commerce order, but this can be done for any entity, just replace table name and id's in code below

 $table = 'cache_entity_commerce_order';
 $id ="776764";
 cache_clear_all($id, $table);



Delete stale CSS and JS files faster

To delete stale CSS and JS files from server, you need to add

variable_set('drupal_stale_file_threshold', 86400);

to your settings.php and change the value from default 30 days (2592000) to for example 1 day above.
They will be deleted on cron run.

Find and change module weight with drush

Run this in terminal

drush php-eval "drush_print_r(db_select('system', 's') ->fields('s', array('weight')) ->condition('name', 'some_module', '=') ->execute() ->fetchField())";

and then when you get the required modules weight, change it with

Add custom caching per block

Caching per block can be quite useful, depending on how much blocks you have in page, but odds are you are going to have some in footer and header.

Stuck cron job in elysa cron

Just go and run this into devel/php

db_query("update elysia_cron set running = 0 where name = 'search_cron'");

where in this case I am unstucking cron job for search indexing.