Expanding Taxonomy Term data:Taxonomy Node or Term Fields?

So yo want to have additional data for your taxonomy term, maybe even a full blown node. There are 2 good solution
Taxonomy Node and Term Fields module. Which to use? Well if you are not building something complex, term fields module is nice and light. But it is limited to this field types "Checkbox, Date, File, Integer, Select list, Text area (multiple rows), Text field " which is nice, but radio button is missing and if you plan to use some reference fields and some other powerful futures this is beyond this module. But here comes taxonomy node module, which is in fact using your standard nodes for taxonomy display, so whatever you can add to standard node you can add it here. So user reference, node reference, views fields, galleries etc it all goes and it is working well. Also there is a "Map Node operations" checkbox which will help you synchronize node and term creation. So this is the way to go if you want to expand data for your terms. One more thing, don't think of using content taxonomy module for this kind of problem, it is used for something different.